The Complete Guide on How to Delete Upwork Account

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Upwork is a platform that connects freelancers with various employers. It has a lot of freelancers and employers, but there are still some problems with the platform.

Many people are leaving Upwork for a variety of reasons. Some reasons are that they find it difficult to find clients, they feel like the pay is not worth it, and they don’t like the way the company is run. Some people also have been scammed by clients who don’t pay them after they deliver their work.

If you’re looking to leave Upwork, there are many things you should know before doing so. You’ll find basic instructions on how to remove your Upwork account in this article.

Things To Do Before Deleting Upwork

Before you delete your account on the Upwork profile, there are some things you should do first.

  • Withdraw your earnings before deletion, so you don’t lose any money you earned from the platform.
  • Clear the jobs in progress that are still open so you won’t get charged for them.
  • Withdraw the open proposals and active contracts on your account.
  • Make sure the account is not linked to any other social media profiles. Also, delete any relevant data from the system, including marketing profiles, email addresses, and contact information.
  • Ensure you have completed all your work, including your jobs in progress, and are paid for.
  • You might also want to contact the past clients you have worked with and let them know about the deletion of your account. This is important, especially if you want to build an excellent employee-client relationship outside the platform and continue working with them.
  • Close the bank account associated with the account.
  • Remove any references to the account from company systems and websites.
  • Destroy any related documentation, such as marketing materials or databases.

How to Delete your Account

Deleting an Upwork Freelancer Account

If you want to delete your freelancer account on Upwork, here’s how:

1. Log into your account.

2. Click your Profile in the top left corner of the page and go to settings.

3. Under “Contact Info,” click on the “Close Account” button.

4. Enter your password to confirm the deletion.

5. Once you’ve clicked on this button, a confirmation message will appear asking if you’re sure that you want to delete your account. Select “Confirm” if you are a hundred percent sure to delete your freelancer account.

6. Your account will be deleted within a few minutes.

Shutting Down a Client Account

If you need to shut down a client’s account, there are a few steps you need to follow.

1. First, find the client’s login information. This can be found on the account settings page or through the contact form on the website.

2. Next, go to your client’s profile page and click on “Settings” in the top right corner.

3. Under “Account Settings,” you’ll see a section for “Clients.” Here, you will find the login information for your clients.

4. After finding your client’s login information, click on it and click on the delete account button.

5. If there are any pending payments or invoices associated with this account, they will be cancelled automatically.

Closing an Agency Account

To close your Upwork agency profile, follow the steps below:

1. Go to your agency account settings and make sure that your agency is not active

2. Access the “My Account” page and click on the “Close Agency” button3. Answer a few questions about why you’re closing your agency and what steps you’ll take to ensure that all pending work is completed. A pop-up window will appear with an option of “I

have a Payout Agreement with my client”. Click on the “I agree” button.

4. You will be asked for the agreement text, copy it from your client’s agreement text and paste it into this box.

5. Click on the “Close Agency” button.

6. A pop-up window will appear, confirming that you have closed your account. You will also receive an email notification confirming that your account has been closed.


You could remove your Upwork account for a few reasons.

  • If you feel like your privacy has been compromised in any way or if you no longer need access to your projects or profiles, deleting your account can help safeguard your information.
  • When your account is inactive for over six months, it will be automatically deleted.
  • If you no longer have a business or personal connection to Upwork, then deleting your account is the best option for you.
  • Upwork encourages its users to improve and grow their businesses continuously, so if you no longer have the time or inclination to maintain your account, it’s best to delete it.

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Can I delete my Upwork account and create a new one?

Upwork accounts can be deleted at any time. If you do this, however, you will lose all of your current data, including feedback scores, job histories, and earnings. When it comes to developing your clientele, start from the beginning.

Upwork won’t let me close my account. Why is that?

Your account must still have any outstanding open, active, or pending activities, so Upwork won’t let you close your account. Please ensure that you do not have any of these so your account can quickly be closed or deleted.

Can a deleted account being restored?

You can start by going to this link.

1. There is a “Contact us” box at the bottom. Simply select “Get Help.”

2. In the window that appears, click “I am a freelancer,” then enter your issue in the description field. Next, select “Ask questions.”

3. The last item on the list, “Contact Support,” should be clicked. Then, choose “Account Information” and “Close my account ” from the ensuing pop-up menus.”

4. After proceeding, select “Email” and send the details of your issue along with your Upwork user ID.

5. You will hear from Upwork Contact again, and they will address the problem.